
2024-MAY-11 : migration to new host completed.
2024-APR-25 : the webserver migrated to a new system and broke my programs.

   27-JUL-2024  00Z  Soaring report from ILN upper air data
   Forecast high 82 F; est. base of any clouds 6893 feet AGL.

                  === Some Raw Upper-Air Data ===
Feet MSL:   1040   1187   2903   5118   6441   6916   7574   7610   8035   8648
Pres mb:     982    977    920    850    810    796    777    776    764    747
Temp C:     25.2   24.8   20.2   13.2    9.4    8.6   11.4   11.4   10.8    9.8
VirT C:     27.0   26.3   21.7   14.5   10.6    9.7   11.5   11.5   11.0    9.9
DewPt C:    13.2   10.8   10.2    7.2    5.6    3.9  -25.6  -25.6  -22.2  -30.2
Wdir@kts:                35  8  45  7                                          

       === Interpolations (temps in deg. F, altitudes in feet MSL) ===
  MSL  *TI* Wdir@kts trig  VirT  0.9 degrees/division ("`": Dry Adiabatic)
-----  ---- -------- ---- . ---- -----------------------------------------
 8000   2.4            86 | 51.8 `   :                                    
 7500   1.3            84 | 52.3    ` :                                   
 7000  -1.6            80 | 49.9   :   `                                  
 6500  -2.5            78 | 50.9    :     `                               
 6000  -2.6            78 | 53.4       :     `                            
 5500  -2.6            78 | 56.1          :     `                         
 5000  -2.6   45   7   78 | 58.8             :     `                      
 4500  -2.4            79 | 61.7                 :    `                   
 4000  -2.3            79 | 64.7                    :    `                
 3500  -2.2            79 | 67.6                        :   `             
 3000  -2.0   50   6   79 | 70.5                           :   `          
 2500  -2.1            79 | 73.0                              :   `       
 2000  -2.2   30   4   79 | 75.4                                 :   `    
 1500  -2.4            79 | 77.8                                   :      

   === Complete Upper Air Data ===

   P(mb)     H(ft)    Tv(C)    T(C)    DP(C)   wind dir  wind spd

    982.0     1040     27.0     25.2     13.2
    977.0     1187     26.3     24.8     10.8
    920.0     2903     21.7     20.2     10.2       35        8
    850.0     5118     14.5     13.2      7.2       45        7
    810.0     6441     10.6      9.4      5.6
    796.0     6916      9.7      8.6      3.9
    777.0     7574     11.5     11.4    -25.6
    776.0     7610     11.5     11.4    -25.6
    764.0     8035     11.0     10.8    -22.2
    747.0     8648      9.9      9.8    -30.2
    723.0     9534      8.5      8.4    -25.6
    700.0    10408      7.5      7.4    -28.6      355        7
    691.0    10756      6.7      6.6    -31.4
    657.0    12108      4.8      4.8    -39.2
    641.0    12766      4.0      3.6    -11.4
    619.0    13692      1.9      1.6    -15.4
    601.0    14469     -0.2     -0.5    -18.5
    578.0    15491     -1.1     -1.1    -41.1
    563.0    16177     -2.0     -2.1    -35.1
    544.0    17069     -3.3     -3.3    -51.3
    520.0    18233     -5.9     -5.9    -52.9
    514.0    18531     -6.5     -6.5    -52.5
    500.0    19236     -8.3     -8.3    -54.3        5       16
    416.0    23815    -19.7    -19.7    -58.7
    404.0    24526    -21.5    -21.5    -60.5
    400.0    24766    -22.1    -22.1    -61.1      360       20
    392.0    25252    -23.3    -23.3    -61.3
    371.0    26565    -26.7    -26.7    -61.7
    300.0    31467    -39.1    -39.1    -61.1      320       19
    295.0    31845    -39.9    -39.9    -60.9
    290.0    32228    -40.1    -40.1    -61.1
    289.0    32305    -40.1    -40.1    -61.1
    275.0    33417    -39.9    -39.9    -63.9
    252.0    35361    -43.1    -43.1    -69.1
    250.0    35537    -43.5    -43.5    -70.5      275       52
    207.0    39622    -52.3    -52.3    -73.3
    204.0    39931    -52.7    -52.7    -73.7
    200.0    40351    -52.5    -52.5    -74.5      315       44
    197.0    40671    -52.3    -52.3    -74.3
    180.0    42570    -56.1    -56.1    -80.1      285       40
    179.0    42686    -56.1    -56.1    -80.1
    178.0    42803    -56.1    -56.1    -80.1
    176.0    43039    -55.9    -55.9    -79.9
    171.0    43640    -56.1    -56.1    -81.1
    166.0    44260    -55.5    -55.5    -81.5
    161.0    44899    -55.7    -55.7    -83.7
    158.0    45292    -55.9    -55.9    -83.9
    155.0    45692    -55.5    -55.5    -84.5
    150.0    46380    -54.5    -54.5    -83.5      275       40
    148.0    46662    -54.5    -54.5    -83.5
    147.0    46804    -54.5    -54.5    -83.5
    126.0    50007    -59.3    -59.3    -86.3
    123.0    50501    -60.1    -60.1    -87.1      280       43
    121.0    50837    -59.9    -59.9    -86.9
    119.0    51179    -59.7    -59.7    -86.7
    106.0    53543    -61.1    -61.1    -87.1
    105.0    53736    -61.3    -61.3    -87.3
    104.0    53931    -61.3    -61.3    -87.3
    102.0    54327    -61.1    -61.1    -88.1

Additional wind data:

  H(ft)   dir   spd
 ------   ---   ---
  2000     30     4
  3000     50     6