
2024-MAY-11 : migration to new host completed.
2024-APR-25 : the webserver migrated to a new system and broke my programs.

   11-NOV-2024  00Z  Soaring report from ILN upper air data
   Forecast high 65 F; est. base of any clouds 1994 feet AGL.

                  === Some Raw Upper-Air Data ===
Feet MSL:   1040   1416   2300   2570   2630   2781   3516   4395   4811   5330
Pres mb:     974    961    931    922    920    915    891    863    850    834
Temp C:     16.8   16.0   14.2   13.8   13.8   13.8   12.6   11.6   10.4   10.0
VirT C:     18.8   17.9   15.9   15.5   15.5   15.5   14.1   12.7   11.4   10.8
DewPt C:    15.5   14.1   12.7   12.1   12.2   11.9    9.5    4.6    3.4    0.0
Wdir@kts:                             225 38                      250 43       

       === Interpolations (temps in deg. F, altitudes in feet MSL) ===
  MSL  *TI* Wdir@kts trig  VirT  0.9 degrees/division ("`": Dry Adiabatic)
-----  ---- -------- ---- . ---- -----------------------------------------
 8000   7.5            78 | 44.4 `              :                         
 7500   6.8            77 | 45.8    `             :                       
 7000   6.1            76 | 47.3       `           :                      
 6500   5.4            75 | 48.7          `          :                    
 6000   4.6            73 | 49.8             `        :                   
 5500   3.8            72 | 51.0                `       :                 
 5000   2.9  250  43   70 | 52.1                   `     :                
 4500   2.6            70 | 54.2                      `    :              
 4000   2.0            69 | 55.9                         `   :            
 3500   1.3            67 | 57.3                            `  :          
 3000   0.8  220  33   66 | 59.1                               ` :        
 2500  -0.1  225  38   65 | 60.1                                  :       
 2000  -0.6  210  12   65 | 61.9                                    :`    
 1500  -1.0            64 | 63.8                                      :   

   === Complete Upper Air Data ===

   P(mb)     H(ft)    Tv(C)    T(C)    DP(C)   wind dir  wind spd

    974.0     1040     18.8     16.8     15.5
    961.0     1416     17.9     16.0     14.1
    931.0     2300     15.9     14.2     12.7
    922.0     2570     15.5     13.8     12.1
    920.0     2630     15.5     13.8     12.2      225       38
    915.0     2781     15.5     13.8     11.9
    891.0     3516     14.1     12.6      9.5
    863.0     4395     12.7     11.6      4.6
    850.0     4811     11.4     10.4      3.4      250       43
    834.0     5330     10.8     10.0      0.0
    791.0     6770      8.9      7.8      4.1
    778.0     7218      8.1      7.2      1.2
    747.0     8314      6.4      5.4      2.3
    700.0    10051      3.7      3.0     -4.0      245       61
    696.0    10203      3.5      2.8     -3.2
    652.0    11931      1.0      0.8    -21.2
    651.0    11972      1.0      0.8    -22.2
    645.0    12216      1.2      1.0    -19.0
    640.0    12421      1.4      1.2    -21.8
    623.0    13129     -0.2     -0.3    -25.3
    606.0    13852     -1.9     -2.1    -20.1
    563.0    15755     -6.3     -6.3    -43.3
    551.0    16307     -6.7     -6.7    -52.7
    538.0    16916     -8.3     -8.3    -54.3
    507.0    18418    -11.4    -11.5    -35.5
    500.0    18767    -12.2    -12.3    -36.3      245       58
    497.0    18918    -12.6    -12.7    -37.7
    485.0    19528    -13.8    -13.9    -35.9
    468.0    20414    -15.2    -15.3    -40.3
    431.0    22435    -20.4    -20.5    -36.5
    428.0    22604    -20.8    -20.9    -36.9
    400.0    24233    -24.3    -24.3    -48.3      245       57
    393.0    24655    -25.1    -25.1    -52.1
    324.0    29144    -37.1    -37.1    -55.1
    313.0    29925    -38.7    -38.7    -58.7
    306.0    30433    -39.7    -39.7    -57.7
    303.0    30654    -39.7    -39.7    -57.7
    300.0    30877    -39.7    -39.7    -57.7      240       82
    293.0    31408    -39.3    -39.3    -58.3
    289.0    31716    -39.3    -39.3    -59.3
    263.0    33818    -42.9    -42.9    -47.1
    250.0    34934    -45.3    -45.3    -56.3      235       97
    236.0    36191    -46.9    -46.9    -68.9
    225.0    37232    -45.5    -45.5    -74.5
    219.0    37823    -45.5    -45.5    -78.5
    217.0    38024    -45.7    -45.7    -78.7
    211.0    38636    -46.3    -46.3    -78.3
    206.0    39159    -46.3    -46.3    -79.3
    204.0    39371    -46.3    -46.3    -79.3
    200.0    39803    -46.5    -46.5    -78.5      245       73
    195.0    40354    -46.9    -46.9    -78.9
    184.0    41610    -48.9    -48.9    -80.9
    166.0    43806    -53.5    -53.5    -83.5
    159.0    44712    -55.1    -55.1    -85.1
    150.0    45925    -57.9    -57.9    -86.9      245       59
    140.0    47343    -60.3    -60.3    -88.3
    119.0    50615    -66.9    -66.9         
    118.0    50782    -67.3    -67.3               255       62
    117.0    50951    -67.3    -67.3    -92.3
    113.0    51640    -66.7    -66.7    -88.7
    112.0    51816    -66.5    -66.5    -88.5
    105.0    53101    -65.5    -65.5    -88.5
    104.0    53292    -65.5    -65.5    -88.5
    101.0    53875    -65.7    -65.7    -91.7

Additional wind data:

  H(ft)   dir   spd
 ------   ---   ---
  2000    210    12
  3000    220    33